Sunday, August 9, 2009

Pros and cons of firmware upgrades

Firmware Upgrade

Upgrading means to the alteration or replacement of a thing with a newer version of that same thing. Upgrading usually provides more salient feature, more comfortability, reliability, better performance and more flexibility. It also removes errors or bugs from the devices.

Firmware Upgrades For DVDs


1. In DVD drive, we need firmware updates frequently and also needs for the DVD player.
2. It is for more uses of DVD, bigger space for more information or data, better graphics and audio quality.
3. It needs upgrade to run it on various platforms like linux or other os.
4. It is also needed to able to run different sorts of media it's also a complete media player.
5. It is also needed to support PSP connectivity. Upgration allows the PSP to interact with some games, but also allows remote access to your PS3 from anywhere and also thanks to the PlayTV device you'd be able to watch live and recorded TV (by remotely accessing your PSP).


It's expensive. It is more costly.
During upgration, if there ia any bug in the firmware, DVD drive may be damaged.
Some firmware has no backwards compatibility.

Firmware Upgrade For Digital Cameras


For digital camera’s upgration of firmware may offer many advantage.

1 It shortens the pre-flash time in the Red-eye reduction flash mode.
2 The magnification ratio will appear at the time of magnified the image in the review display
3 Different buttons provide different function.
4 A customizing function can be provided.
5 Grid Display modes show Display Icons.


1. Frequently it may need to upgrade if there upgrade available
2. It is also expensive.

Psp Firmware Upgrade


a) Some device does not support wallpapers and themes. But it can be possible by upgrading firmware.

b) Some device does not support flash - so we are not be able to view .swf files and we are not able to play the flash games out there. But it can be done by upgrading firmware.

c) Some device does not support some special kind of video format. But But it can be done by upgrading firmware.


a) Program may be corrupted
b) It is also expensive.

Mp3 Firmware Upgrade

1. Audio quality of mp3 will be better
2. Play song game anywhere
3. Support more audio formats.


During upgration, if there exists any bug in the firmware, mp3 drive may be damaged.

Mp4 Firmware Upgrade


a) It support wallpapers and themes.

b) It support more video format.

c) It provide better video quality


a) During upgration, if there exists any bug in the firmware, Mp4 drive may be damaged.

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