Saturday, May 29, 2010

Redirect non-www to www and vice versa using .htacccss

In this post with simply two lines of code I will show how to redirect all non-www traffic to www traffic as well as how to redirect all www traffic to non-www by editing .htaccess file.

Redirect non-www to www
Edit .htaccess file and add following lines,
RewriteEngine On
RewriteCond %{HTTP_HOST} !^www\.
RewriteRule ^(.*)$ http://www.%{HTTP_HOST}/$1 [R=301,L]
This will redirect any non-www to www site regardless of domain name.

Redirect all www to non-www
Edit .htaccess file and add following lines,
RewriteEngine On
RewriteCond %{HTTP_HOST} !^domain-name\.com$ [NC]
RewriteRule ^(.*)$$1 [R=301,L]

Here we explicitly mentioned domain name.

In the example replace domain-name with your domain. For example for site my .htaccess of redirect all www to non-www will look like below,
RewriteEngine On
RewriteCond %{HTTP_HOST} !^arju-on-it\.com$ [NC]
RewriteRule ^(.*)$$1 [R=301,L]

Friday, May 28, 2010

How to enable theme and plugin editor for wordpress mu

After you install and login for first time in wordpress mu you will be astonished that under Appearance tab there is no longer present an "Editor" link and under under Plugins section there is no longer present "Plugin Editor" on Dashboard in WPMU. So you might wonder how you will change a theme or plugin or a stylesheet file from wordpress.

Following is a screenshot about how you see Appearance section.

You can get the editor by installing plugin or manually changing files in wordpress.

Installing Enable Theme and Plugin Editor (WPMU) plugin
You can get theme and plugin editor by simply,
- Login to Wordpress dashboard as site administrator.
- Under Plugins tab click on Add New.
- Install Plugin window will appear. You will see Search for plugins by keyword, author or tag.
- Choose Term from drop down menu, in the textbox type "Enable Theme and Plugin Editor" and then search Plugin. You will see "Enable Theme and Plugin Editor (WPMU)" there. Just install it and activate the plugin. You will see your editor for theme and plugin will appear in wordpress MU.

Manually Installing Enable Theme and Plugin Editor (WPMU) plugin

- Download the "Enable Theme and Plugin Editor (WPMU)" plugin from

- Using an FTP editor upload the plugin file(s) or folder to the /wp-content/plugins folder.

- Login to Wordpress dashboard as site administrator and click on Plugins.

- You should see your new Plugin listed. To turn the Plugin on, click Activate on the far right side of the list.

- After you activate you will see theme and plugin editors are enabled and you can modify files within wordpress admin panel.

Manually changing Wordpress files
- Go to wp-admin/includes folder of your Wordpress MU installation directory.
- You have to edit the mu.php file. Open the mu.php file with any editor software and search for the term "unset( $submenu['themes.php'][10]"); " and "unset( $submenu['themes.php'][10] );" . You have to comment both of these two lines.

So, before changes
unset( $submenu['plugins.php'][15] ); // always remove the plugin editor
unset( $submenu['themes.php'][10] ); // always remove the themes editor
And After Changes
/* unset( $submenu['plugins.php'][15] ); */ // always remove the plugin editor
/* unset( $submenu['themes.php'][10] ); */ // always remove the themes editor

- After you commented above two lines, you should be able to see the theme editor and plugin editor option but still those pages will not accessible. To overcome that, you need to make below changes in mu.php file.

Search for the term "if ( strpos( $_SERVER['PHP_SELF'], 'user-new.php'" inside mu.php file you will see following Before Changes lines. Then you need to make it like After Changes.

Before Changes
$pages = array( 'theme-editor.php', 'plugin-editor.php' );
foreach( $pages as $page ) {
if ( strpos( $_SERVER['PHP_SELF'], $page ) ) {
wp_die( __('Page disabled by the administrator') );
After Changes
$pages = array( 'theme-editor.php', 'plugin-editor.php' );
foreach( $pages as $page ) {
if ( strpos( $_SERVER['PHP_SELF'], $page )&& !is_site_admin() ) {
wp_die( __('Page disabled by the administrator') );
Now check on your Wordpress MU dashboard. You will find the theme editor and plugin editor is working properly in your MU installation.

Wednesday, May 26, 2010

How to install a Wordpress theme

In the post Introducing wordpress theme I have already discussed about wordpress theme. Now in this post I will discuss how we can install and activate a wordpress theme.

Whenever you install wordpress you already have noticed that there is a default blue style theme and a WordPress Classic 1.5 by Dave Shea. But for your website you of course will try some good and attractive theme. Following steps will help you.

Automatic Installation of Wordpress theme using Wordpress Administration Panel.
Step 01. Log in to the WordPress Administration Panel.

Step 02. Select the Appearance panel, then Themes.

Step 03. Select Add New Themes

Step 04. Use the sub-menu or the Search or Filter options to locate a theme you would like to use.

Step 05. Click on the Preview link to preview the theme.

Step 06. If you are satisfied with the preview use the Install link to upload the theme to your blog. You may need to provide your ftp information in this phase.

Step 07. After you install wordpress theme you will get a message like below.
Downloading install package from

Unpacking the package.

Installing the theme.

Successfully installed the theme ................

Actions: Preview | Activate | Return to Theme Installer

You will have three options. Now you need to click on Activate to apply the theme.

Alternatively, you can activate your theme from http://domain_name/wp-admin/themes.php

Manual Installation of wordpress theme
Step 01: Choose a theme to use for your site.
At first you need to find out suitable themes for your website. There are lots of free and paid wordpress themes. You can either google it or you can find it from wordpress site. After you choose the suitable theme download the theme zip file.

Step 02: Extract the theme zip file.
Once you download the theme extract the zip file using unzip or unrar utility. Review the readme.txt and any screenshot of the template. There might also have index.html file.

Step 03: Upload the theme directory into wordpress wp-content/themes folder.
After you download and extract the theme folder upload the theme folder into wordpress site's wp-content/themes directory. For example if you theme name is SkyTheme then all theme files will under under sitename/wp-content/themes/SkyTheme. You can use ftp or ssh to upload the theme files. FileZilla is an example of good ftp client software.

Step 04: Activate the theme.
The theme files are uploaded and now you need to activate the theme. To activate the theme.
- Log in to the WordPress Administration Panel.
- Select the Appearance panel, then Themes.
- From the Available Themes section, you will see your theme. Click on the theme title (or theme screenshot) for the theme you wish to activate.
- A preview of the theme will be shown.
- To activate the theme click the Activate "Theme Name" link in the top right.

Note that, if the theme preview is blank, do not activate the new theme without investigating further. Your site may not be displayed correctly, otherwise.

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Introducing wordpress admin panel
Fatal error: Allowed memory size of 33554432 bytes exhausted
How to add a logo to wordpress site
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Introducing wordpress theme
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How to display multiple images from one thumbnail using lightbox

With lightbox wordpress plugin you can present your group of images in a slick window, while darkening the rest of the page which makes your site professional looking. Now if there is two many images then you might think about group of images. For example, you can think in one group there will be 50 images and in another group there will be 60 images. Displaying 50 and 60 images in one page increases loading time as well as space is wasted and make sites unprofessional looking. So you might wonder how to keep only one thumbnail and clicking on thumbnail will load multiple images.

Let's say we have the following codes, which is used to display 10 images and we have 10 thumbnails through lightbox. Now our goal will be display only first image thumbnail and upon clicking on first image we can go backward and forward to display rest of the images.

<a href=""><img class="alignleft" style="border: 1px solid black; margin-left: 3px; margin-right: 3px;" title="HK Magazine" src="" alt="HK Magazine Interviews Fion Chang AKA Hong Kong's Makeup Magician" width="60" height="70" /></a>

<a href=" Brides evening gowns.jpg"><img class="alignleft" style="border: 1px solid black; margin-left: 3px; margin-right: 3px;" title="HK Brides" src=" Brides evening gowns.jpg" alt="Elegant Evening Gown" width="60" height="70" /></a>

<a href=" Brides floral evening gown.jpg"><img class="alignleft" style="border: 1px solid black; margin-left: 3px; margin-right: 3px;" title="HK Brides" src=" Brides floral evening gown.jpg" alt="Floral Evening Gown" width="60" height="70" /></a>

<a href=" Brides gold evening dress.jpg"><img class="alignleft" style="border: 1px solid black; margin-left: 3px; margin-right: 3px;" title="HK Brides gold" src=" Brides gold evening dress.jpg" alt="Gold Evening Dress" width="60" height="70" /></a>

<a href=" Brides jade evening dress.jpg"><img class="alignleft" style="border: 1px solid black; margin-left: 3px; margin-right: 3px;" title="HK Brides jade" src=" Brides jade evening dress.jpg" alt="Jade Evening Dress" width="60" height="70" /></a>

<a href=" Brides pink evening gown.jpg"><img class="alignleft" style="border: 1px solid black; margin-left: 3px; margin-right: 3px;" title="HK Brides pink" src=" Brides pink evening gown.jpg" alt="Pink Evening Gown" width="60" height="70" /></a>

<a href=" Brides scarlet red evening gown.jpg"><img class="alignleft" style="border: 1px solid black; margin-left: 3px; margin-right: 3px;" title="HK Brides scarlet" src=" Brides scarlet red evening gown.jpg" alt="Scarlet Red Evening Gown" width="60" height="70" /></a>

<a href=" bouquet.jpg"><img class="alignleft" style="border: 1px solid black; margin-left: 3px; margin-right: 3px;" title="Bridal Magazine" src=" bouquet.jpg" alt="Bridal Bouquet Couple" width="60" height="70" /></a>

<a href=" garland.jpg"><img class="alignleft" style="border: 1px solid black; margin-left: 3px; margin-right: 3px;" title="Bridal Magazine Garland" src=" garland.jpg" alt="My Garland" width="60" height="70" /></a>

<a href=""><img class="alignleft" style="border: 1px solid black; margin-left: 3px; margin-right: 3px;" title="Bridal Magazine wedding" src="" alt="Wedding Greenery" width="60" height="70" /></a>

The idea we need to make the first image to be loaded via <img> tag and for rest of the images there will be no <img> tag. So re writing my code as following.

<a href=""><img class="alignleft" style="border: 1px solid black; margin-left: 3px; margin-right: 3px;" title="HK Magazine" src="" alt="HK Magazine Interviews Fion Chang AKA Hong Kong's Makeup Magician" width="60" height="70" /></a>

<a href=" Brides evening gowns.jpg"> </a>

<a href=" Brides floral evening gown.jpg"> </a>

<a href=" Brides gold evening dress.jpg"> </a>

<a href=" Brides jade evening dress.jpg"> </a>

<a href=" Brides pink evening gown.jpg"> </a>

<a href=" Brides scarlet red evening gown.jpg"> </a>

<a href=" bouquet.jpg"> </a>

<a href=" garland.jpg"> </a>

<a href=""> </a>

The above code will work and it will display multiple images under one thumbnail. Since it is defined via the img tag, but the others have no content, but will still be parsed by the lightbox script.

In a nutshell, to make one thumbnail and multiple images write code in this way,

<a href="image_url"><img src="imageurl" alt="Arju on IT" width="60" height="70" /></a>

<a href="image_url"> </a>

<a href="image_url"> </a>

An important note is to follow the space and indentation as required. If you don't follow lightbox-2 code will not work.

Thursday, May 20, 2010

How to setup and use proxy in firefox browser

You can use your Internet without using any proxy as well as using proxy. Generally proxy server is used for different purposes such as
1) To keep machines anonymous
2) Speed up network performance using proxy server caching.
3) Maintain and apply access policy to network services or content, that is to block undesired sites.
4) Internet usage reporting.
5) To bypass security/ parental controls.
6) To circumvent regional restrictions.

Whatever the purposes, if you use proxy server then in the client machine's browser you need to point the proxy server to use it. This post is a demonstration of how to configure proxy in firefox browser.

Step 01: Find out the address and port of your proxy server. If you want to use free proxy server from Internet then just do a search in google about anonymous proxy server IP Address. One such list you can find from Proxy4free list. Through the sites listed here you can browse website without doing any configuration in your browser and can browse anonymously using third party website. However if you have IP Address and port of the proxy server you need to configure your browser to surf website anonymously. Such lists can be found from Samair proxy IP address.

Following is the screenshot from which I can get proxy IP address and port number.

Step 02: From firefox menu bar click on Tools and then options.

Firefox Options window will appear. Click on Advance Options and then select Network tab. Click Settings button under Connection. You will see following window.

Step 03: Click on Settings. Connection Settings window will appear. In Connection Settings window, click radio button Manual proxy configuration. Type the IP address in HTTP Proxy box and Port address in Port textbox. (In this example HTTP Proxy address is and Port is 8085).

Also check the box "Use this proxy server for all protocols". If you do this then all protocol will use this proxy address.

Following is the screenshot.

Click on ok and you are done.

Related Documents to Change Explorer, Netscape, Mozilla, Opera or chrome as default browser

Wednesday, May 19, 2010

Handii released Go10 and Go7 Touch screen Tablet PC

Handii, an Australian-owned company recently released Go10 and Go7 Touch Tablet PC in the tablet PC market. Greg Rostron, Founding Director and CEO of Handii Pty Ltd already established Handii as an innovative, quality company, offering technologically-advanced computerised products that are reasonably priced.

Till now their Go Generation 10.2" Touch screen tablet pc has the following specifications.

1) Operating System - Windows® 7 Professional

Windows® 7 Professional makes it easy to enjoy and share your favorite TV shows, photos, videos, and music.

2) Processor - Intel ATOM N270 1.6G

The Intel® Atom™ processor is Intel's smallest processor, built with the world's smallest transistors and manufactured on Intel's industry-leading 45nm Hi-k Metal Gate technology. The Intel Atom processor was purpose-built for simple, affordable, netbooks and tablets.

3) Modem - 3G Broadband Wireless

Stay in touch with your friends & surf the web from anywhere using the embedded 3G Modem. Use the telecommunications provider of your choice.

4) 10.2" Touch Screen

Experience using a touch screen in the Windows® 7, explore all the features of the handwriting AI & enjoy the freedom from your keyboard.

5) Built-in Wireless LAN 802.11n

Compatibility with widely available IEEE 802.11b, downwardly compatible IEEE 802.11g, and advanced IEEE 802.11n wireless LAN lets you link with home and office wireless access points.

6) Bluetooth®

Built-in Bluetooth® allows power of communication by enabling swift wireless data transfer using minimum power consumption. Compatible accessories for enhanced wireless enjoyment include a Bluetooth® mouse, keyboard, and headset.

7) Memory - (Default 1 Gb, 2Gb Upgrade option)

DDR2 /1G @533MHz SODIM notebook memory

8) Embedded 3G WIFI (Upgrade Option)

SIM Card Reader Sierra MC8775, 5.76Mbps 3G Modem WCDMA\TD-SCDMA\CDMA2000

9) Graphics

Mobile Intel 945GSE Express Chipset

10)Storage (320Gb Upgrade Option)

160G SATA 2.5” Hard Disk

11) WIFI Wireless Connection

Integrated Wireless LAN IEEE 802.11b/g/n
Bluetooth PAN Network Adaptor

12) Card Reader


13) Interface

USB: 3 x High Speed USB 2.0 ports
Wired Network: 1 x 10Base-T/100Base-TX
VGA Output: 1.x VGA connector
Headphone: 1 x Stereo mini jack
Microphone: 1 x Stereo mini jack

14) Power Input

Battery Adapter Input:100-240v/50-60MHz1.7A Output:19V 3.5A Maximum Power:65w

15) Battery

3500mah ithium Polvmer Battery, 2.5 hours duration

16) Webcam & Microphone

1.3 Megapixel Webcam
Inbuilt Microphone

17) Dimensions & Weight

Length 246.3mm
Width 166.9mm
Height 24.7mm
Weight 1Kg Including battery

And till now Handii ultra portable Go Generation 7" Touch screen tablet pc has the following specifications.
1) Operating System

Genuine Windows® 7 Professional (English Version)

2) Architecture

Processor: VIA C7 -M 772 Esther 1.2GHz
Chipset: VIA VX700@
Memory Bus: 400MHZ
Cache Memory: L2 128KB

3) Memory (Default 1Gb, 2Gb Upgrade Option)

DDR2 /1G @533MHz SODIM notebook memory

4) Embedded 3G WIFI (Upgrade Option)

SIM Card Reader
Huawei's EM770, 5.76Mbps 3G Modem

5) Graphics

VIA S3G UniChrome Pro II IGP

6) Storage

32G Solid State ATA Hard Disk

7) LCD Touch Screen

7.0" TFT colour display (1024x600)
Touch Screen

8) WIFI Wireless Connection

Integrated Wireless LAN IEEE 802.11b/g/n
Bluetooth PAN Network Adaptor

9) AC Charger

Input 100-240V,50/60Hz, 1.5A, Output 12V-3.5A

10) Interface

USB: 2 x High Speed USB 2.0 ports
Wired Network: 1 x 10Base-T/100Base-TX
VGA Output: 1.x VGA connector
Headphone: 1 x Stereo mini jack
Microphone: 1 x Stereo mini jack
DC Power: 1 x AC Adaptor

11) Webcam & Microphone

1.3 Megepixel Webcam
Inbuilt Microphone

12) Battery

3000MAH Built-in Li-ion battery.

13) Dimensions

Length 200.0mm
Width 128.5mm
Height 20.0mm
Weight 720g including leather case & battery

Saturday, May 8, 2010

Google adds site speed factor in search engine ranking

Already I have posted an article about Measuring website performance in my blog which including how to determine page speed as well as site speed. Mainly that post was about measuring site speed using google webmaster tool. Beside google webmaster tool you can use following tools to measure your site speed.

- Firefox/Firebug add-on page speed tool which evaluates the performance of their web pages and to get suggestions on how to improve them. By using Page Speed, you can Make your site faster, Keep Internet users engaged with your site, Reduce your bandwidth and hosting costs.

- YSlow, a free tool from Yahoo! that suggests ways to improve website speed.

- Google webmaster tool.

- You can get different other tools from

As it is discussed in there are over 200 signals based on which Google determines pages appear in search engine ranking. Recently they added another signal/factor which is site speed. Site speed indicates how quickly a website responds to web requests. Speeding a website is important for site owners as well as all Internet users. Specially for South Asia continent speed is serious issue as Internet speed is less. Also if users determines a site faster then he spends much time than a slower site. Based on these issues Google recently implemented side speed factor for search engine ranking.

According to post Using site speed in web search ranking published under site speed does not carry as much as importance like page content and also after implementing site speed fewer than 1% of search queries are affected by the site speed signal. The most important point is currently site speed factor only affects for queries searched under domain and only in English.

If you are website owner now you should look at your page site speed. If it does not affect by search queries you should be happy. If it does not perform well and if you see site loads slowly, you should take action on your site.

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Monday, May 3, 2010

Task of a SEO Specialist

1. Develop SEO strategies for search engine ranking.

2. Analyze pages of the website and modify contents of the pages which includes Title Tags based on initial keyword research adjustments, Description tags, Keyword tags, Alt tag, Comment tag, Anchor tag Adjustments.

3. Develop and implement link building strategy which includes Directory Submission, Social Bookmarking, Article Submission, News Portals, Press Release, Video Submission, Blog Commenting, Forum Posting, Yahoo Answering and questioning.

4. Generate google, yahoo sitemap and submission to the sites.

5. Research and evaluate competitor's analysis, specially their natural search marketing efforts and results and identify keywords.

6. Robots.txt file addition, adjustments, modifications as needed.

7. Google analytics, google webmaster tools set up, evaluate reports periodically.

8. Keyword research and analysis. Add pages to website based on keywords.

9. W3c Validation for homepage.

10. PPC Ad Creation, Placement and Management as identified, based on keywords that should targeted.

11. Different types of report generation like Ranking progress, List of back links, PPC Conversion Reports, Analytics Summaries and Reports, outgoing links, different types of reports based on webmaster tools etc.

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Concepts about website optimization

Web-master, working in small companies often feel that web-optimization (SEO) - a complex and mysterious art that they should strive to understand and which they must master. But this is totally untrue. SEO - it's just text.

As an expert on SEO, every day we encounter errors intentioned web-masters, who unknowingly have done everything they could to hide our site and its subject away from the search engines. They do this by assigning the image file name in the form of numbers or words that are not related to the image itself. Pages presentation called product.gif, and they do not contain any tag hints, no text, but contain a link to the main page with lots of images, which is called intro.html.

Even if we use a standard copyright the software to our site can use SEO, html files are called keyword phrases, calling the catalog image more important keywords, including the same words in the title and text. And let us apply the text size, at least 500 words. Many site owners believe that is sufficient to use only a few images of products and a nice logo.

This is wrong. We should use our keywords in the text, because search engines will not be able to know what we are selling this particular product or the service.

Text - this is what guided search engine, determine what our website. Text metatag , the text in the header, the text on the main page, the text in the names of images and text in our domain name and the names of folders. SEO - is the word on the page, but not the image of words, made beautiful graphics, created by our designer.

Then try to search for pictures on ordinary words to compare them with the file names used to describe these pictures. Carry out a search of any combination of numbers, and we will understand how part of the normal figures are the names of image files.

Obviously, the designer not only used part of the text and numbers as names of images and pages, but also removed the hyperlinks from important keywords in the text, the text, which was prepared under our direction. Hyperlinks in the text are another important element of SEO, who do not like designers due to the fact that it changes the color of the text to help visitors to understand that this is a hyperlink.

While designers and SEO professionals rarely work together, they have to do it. Even despite the fact that specialist SEO to print keywords in the box "save as" simply because designers do not do it.

If we hire a copywriter, then it must also cooperate with the expert in SEO, although in this case the task specialist SEO copywriter is simply to convince that the text should not repeatedly use the keywords. Copywriters do not like to repeat and often proud of what they are saying the same thing in different words. But search engines still do not support the use of a thesaurus (a dictionary) to determine the content of the page.

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The things that are harmful for a SEO friendly website

Constantly watching sites have the same mistakes, significantly hindering the promotion of sites on the Internet. Below is a part list will be useful to owners of resources.

1. The absence of a robots.txt file

The file contains a recommendation for search engines to index our site. Often we want to prevent indexing of any pages or sections on the site for this and need the file. Often, however, the file is simply not on the server, which sometimes results in very unpleasant consequences. For example, the presence in the database search engine results pages on our site.

2. Mirror sites

Often, copies of copyright belong to several domains, in some cases, search engines consider such mirrors different. The situation could be rectified host directive in our robots.txt and precise registration of links to internal pages, but often forget about this webmaster. As a result, a situation may arise when a search engine knows the page a mirror, another search engine knows about the other mirror, and a third know a little bit pages of one site and little else.

3. Incorrect server responses

It happens that when a user tries to apply to non-existent pages, the server gives them instead of 404 error code 200. It thus makes it clear search engines that the page is OK, and it can be indexed. Similar pages clog the search engine index, preventing proper indexing of our site.

Similar problems may arise when incorrect work with redirects on sites. The user accesses a page, it "throws" to another (the principal, for example), but the server "forgets" to issue a 301 response. As a result, multiply many duplicate pages, littered search engine index.

4. No sitemap

Map not only allows users to easily navigate the site, but cool improves indexing our site by search engines, especially if the structure of the site messy or the site itself is large enough.

5. Breadcrumbs

Simplify the use of the site will allow users of the introduction of additional navigation on Web sites, so-called "bread crumbs". Entering a link from a search engine to any specific webpage, the user often has no opportunity to move to a higher level, to view other pages of this section. "Breadcrumbs" is just intended to simplify life for visitors. Additional navigation also simplifies the task of search engines properly indexing our site. Ideally, additional navigation structure should be:

Home / Section Name / Title subsection / title page

With such a structure, the user can easily determine exactly where he is on the site and how it moves to a higher level. Search engines will also be able to use the "bread crumbs" to build a proper "tree map".

6. No text in the menu

Often we can find beautiful sites with menu items made in the form of pictures. There is no dispute, it looks very impressive, but that's effectively it? Text menu items could significantly improve the internal referential ranking site, and thus increase the effectiveness of website promotion.

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Spamming search engines and Link Popularity

Spamming Search Engines

In this article we will discuss some of the key technologies of spam search engines, so we know what to avoid.

Often the question arises, how to make tags. Many people like to "huddle" in them copious amounts of keywords. This is wrong. Use the keyword (phrase) 1-2 times a tag

One example of technology spam search engines is also a tag renewal. Some machines alone the presence of this tag is perceived as spam. Others are more loyal. But we should not use this tag with a very fast update.

So we should not put the key phrase at the end of the text, using the fine print. Most of the machines finding adverse to this practice, and we may experience problems.

And so what applies to spam:

- The inclusion of multiple key phrases in the text or tags

- The inclusion of key phrases in the bottom of the page with the font size small

- The use of an invisible or hidden text (for example: the use of text color is the same as the background color)

- Use the tag updates with frequent updates

- Page, which differ only by permutation of keywords

- Optimization of multiple pages on one Keyword

- Use keywords that are not consistent with the overall theme of the page

- Availability of doorways (in pages)

- Cloaking

- Registration of the same page several times during the day

Link Popularity 

Link popularity - the popularity of your website on the Internet i.e. technology determines the existence of links to a site or page or document the site.
Link popularity - a technology, which was reflected in almost all search engines. The most well-known technology used in the Internet, defining the link popularity "Google PR". In determining the link popularity takes a scale of 1 to 10. Where 10 - maximum link popularity. The rise in popularity occurs when a site has a link from another site on the condition that the referring site belongs to the same subject.
There are a number of techniques to enable impact on link popularity.
1. theme of the site - this means that the most significant effect of the reference site would be only if the reference is made to the site of similar subjects.
For example if your site refers to sites selling computers, then the link with the poetic resources will not be as important as a link to resources for the production or sale of computer equipment.
2. links - it is worth paying attention to the fact that if you are referred to the site, and you are not referred to it (one-way link), then such a reference has more weight to link popularity than a two-way link.
The search engine understands this as an added value to the resource.
3. The site, which refers to you. If a site on which there is a link to you there will be many more, such a link is unlikely to add your website link popularity.
The most well-known technologies to determine the link popularity is Google's Page Rank. The fact that it is considered and where you can see the importance of these variables, see the relevant articles.

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Introduction about sources of traffic

Very often it happens that very popular sites are not so much quality, as well untwisted. In fact, it is no any paradox, but is a normal pattern. We just need to take time and money on promotion, because if at least one of these two factors will be deprived of attention, the success of the existence of the site is doomed. This entry we started to the fact that now I want to talk not about the qualitative side of the issue, and on so to speak, quantitative.

The method, which will be discussed in this article are suitable for a very limited range of people. Since Not all our strength and patience to bring everything to its logical conclusion, but the method has the right to exist.

The idea is this: create one or several very large sites, they placed banners and banner displays the accumulated used to advertise the main site.

First, determine what we need:
1. The main, high-quality site (it can be quite small).
2. A few minor sites with elements of optimizing for search engines.
3. A lot of efforts and patience.

It should be a few (more - the better), the major content sites, any topic (except erotica and porn). The site should be a lot of textual information, it is desirable to make all this more and look prilichno.Eto all be sites - donors.

Someone may ask: "But the donor sites also need to unwind, to banner displays on them to save money" - is true, but not quite. At full strength promotion spending is not necessary, because much time and effort it will take to create these sites. All hope for the search engines, ie after the creation of sites, we register them in the search engines. Sooner or later they will be indexed. For a successful and complete indexing makes the card sites, ie page with links to all (or part) of other pages.

Traffic is expected for the following reasons:
1. On 1000 indexed pages are not optimized have 30-40 visitors from search engines.
2. Pages will contain elements of optimization, so we can count on more visitors.

It is not difficult to calculate that, having a site with 10.000 pages, every day we can expect more than 300 unique visitors from search engines. If such sites made 10, the total traffic of over 3000 unique visitors. Suppose each user is viewing two pages on each page 3 of the banner, hence, on a daily basis turn off 18.000 banner impressions. Ie 1 month we will be able to accumulate more 540.000 banner impressions, excluding commission banner network. These impressions will be spent on advertising the main site.

As a result, we got good numbers. But at what price! Imagine what we would like 100.000 pages indexed and still achieve their search engine. It is very difficult. The problem could be alleviated by using the existing database which some texts and software. Just say: I do not, so do not ask.
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Introduction to search directories

Catalogs/Directories - are places where users can find sites they need, just as they find them using search engines. But there are significant differences between directories and search engines. For those who are going to promote her site, it is vital to understand these differences.
While search engines make almost any site, without the quality requirements, catalogs, as a rule, impose requirements for the quality and content of the site. Since In the largest and best known of this site are checked by people, the low quality sites do not fall into the database. On this basis we can conclude before registering our site in directories, make sure that it is ready. The catalogs are registered, usually, only the front page (another contrast to search engines).

Where to register:
If we've done, it means that our site is ready. But the readiness of the site as such, does not mean that he is ready for registration in the catalogs.

First, how and where to register. We need to set a goal: we need to get at least 3 directories (by the way, this is a requirement for a successful website optimization is a necessary and sufficient) to have a nice extra (and maybe he will and basic, it all depends on the literacy optimization) influx of visitors. But as we already understood before signing to optimize our site for all together. It should be tailored to suit each of them to achieve good positions. On the singularities of each of them we can learn in detail in the sections devoted to each directory specified, but be sure to read this story, because in these directories are common features inherent in all and about which we need to know.

Suppose we spend a lot of time searching for the right section, but the effect will be much more noticeable, because the more general sections of more sites and therefore we will be hard to attract the user, especially if he's looking for something on this subject but it certainly does not represent that he needs. Since they who know exactly what to look sure to be found in the more precise and narrow sections. We can argue that in the more general topics and more visitors and hence more potential traffic. And here we are wrong, because in narrower sections is also quite a few visitors (these directories are not just popular, but over popular), and the site is much smaller and more focused audience.

How to register.
Almost all directories require us to registration: the name of the site, its description. Site name or site title, this is a very important characteristic of this we have to work hard. Write a short, but at the same time, well characterized and attractive description, consisting of an example of 15-20 words. Look at the descriptions of our competitors in this section, draw conclusions, they can even be used as a model. Try to keep our best keyword is included in the description, but do not fill in all the description of such words, for goodness this never leads. The editor can he write a description of our site, if it seems that our description does not correspond to reality, he would write his own and in the description editor, our keyword may not meet even once. Or (as usually done) simply reject our application for registration. If we think that the description that we entered when registering bad, we can write a letter to the editor and ask him to change, maybe our request will be granted. To trace how we enter information about the site, check out all that is written for errors, especially in the site URL. Because one mistake (or typo) in the URL of the site, negate all our efforts.

That's probably in general, and all that can be said about the directories.
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Pay per click thinking and thoughts

We are living in the shallow and the warmth Runlet, writing letters, seeking information, and occasionally creating our own content projects, often invisible and unknown depths of trends, in fact, shape the face of the modern Internet. So far we notice them when they float to the surface - for example, when a confrontation spammers and antispam percentage of letters that reach the recipients, catastrophic fall and people will again begin to use faxes (!).

Or when it turns out that as a result of the optimizer for a number of queries on the first pages of search engines can not find anything other than commercial offers. And more and more rankings begins to be determined advertising (in this case - optimization) budget.

Doorway - especially as the rule is automatically created page is optimized for a specific clause or group of queries and is used solely in order to entice a visitor from a search engine and then transport it to the target site. Most doorways are placed on free hosting or a domain of the third or fourth level. A person coming to this page, doorway, as a rule, automatically spreads to the landing page - in this case, the catalog page reseller traffic

Advertisers placing ads through it and get paid when visitors click through on ads some sites, moving with the advertiser's site. If its an advertising site or not is not enough (and it is never enough - even "Google"), the system begins to attract partners - sites where the same broadcast advertisements, possibly correlating with the theme of the Web sites and content pages. And the PPC-system is divided with a partner income received from advertisers. As long as we see, there is nothing wrong. Partners will receive the money, PPC-system receives its commission, advertisers are inexpensive and targeted traffic (visitors). Everybody is happy. But there is another link - resellers traffic. The fact that the usual PPC-system anyone in the partners do not take. This should be a real site with a non-zero traffic. So, resellers traffic (typically catalogs, wholly or mainly composed of PPC-boards), as a partner of PPC-systems, expanding our partner program, sharing revenue with those already infinitely small sites that "blow up" on their traffic .

And here comes a real disaster. Because the partners are "second level" is the very doorway pages that are already pretty foul of search engine results, and will continue to foul it even stronger.
Due to the simplicity and complete automating technologies, doorway pages can generate hundreds and thousands. So, in fact, happens - only manage to invent queries.

Why? It's very simple. If every doorway will host a dollar a month, then multiply it by a thousand. Or 10,000.
We can say that automatically generated doorway pages are often more relevant in terms of search engines, rather than "normal" sites that are not optimized specially.

What will happen?

Extradition on a high-frequency and / or commercially attractive queries "occupy" optimized site sellers. And the sellers are not limited to optimization of one site, but the fruit of dozens of similar sites, not just trying to get a good place to extradite, and the "hammer" the entire first page of search results (better - the first few pages), only their proposals.

But in general it does not change because of technology generation doorways too, not standing still. And under the existing criteria of relevance (content pages + index options) to solve this problem, it seems impossible in principle.

Where is the exit? Apparently, only in the recognition of the fact that "artificial intelligence" search engine could not resist a collision with a natural intelligence webmasters and SEO experts in the treatment of human estimated relevance.
Judging by recent statements, precisely in this direction began to move Yahoo!, Planning to radically improve the search by using its 90-million-user community. Let's see what happens.
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Search Methodology Finding

After watching thirty users worldwide network, performing target search of sites, was found an interesting phenomenon:

The more attempts to take people to search for interesting material, the less likely a successful outcome.

The data speak for themselves: those who have made one attempt found the necessary information in 55% of cases, while users who sought twice, succeeded in 38% of cases.

Less than 25% of users took more than two attempts to search. As for those who still persisted and were looking for more than two times - they have not received the positive results.

Principal reason that people are trying to find more than once - to receive the information they type - "not found" or "do not have options." Most users will abandon further attempts to find as soon get similar responses. However, many still try to "search of happiness" for the second time.

When we first try to find 23% of users were the result of "not found".
Of those who continued to seek, 44% received a negative result for the second time.
Of those who continue to stubbornly, 50% for the third time did not find the required information.
Not helped perseverance and more highly motivated users - to 100% of them every fourth attempt failed.
Theoretically, when using a search engine, people improve their skills to work with her. In the end, every successful attempt - is a moment of cognition, the fact that helps to explore the features of this tool.

However, in practice it is not so. The fact that the useful tips designed to attract users to further search, in fact does not help. Many sites are placed such tips on the pages marked as "not found", so that users looking for other ways to search. Unfortunately, the existence of such "useful" recommendations do not increases the chances that the next attempt will be successful.

It is important to note that the methodology of the study to be quite significant. - People were intelligently directed to sites with content that interests them. As a result, one of the five who sought the information received the message "not found" at the first attempt, indicating that the fundamental errors in the design of the site.

Concludes: the key to success of the developers site is making Internet users to achieve desired results at the first attempt to search. We can say that the sites have reached this level, success is guaranteed.

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Tips to create a successful website for Google

Quite often, an opinion that, in the articles is too much to say about the theory of the development of successful websites. Well, let’s skip the theory and turn to the time-tested methods. Next the system with a 100% probability to achieve the desired position in Google for a wide range of queries. These are the techniques that we use. Results are usually on the theme, target audience and the level of competition in the niche. The following will build a successful site in Google for one year. However, we can meet in a short period of time - if we really decide to try.

A) Begin building content- Before we even choose a domain name for the site, check for ourself the following - we must have 100 pages. That's just to start. This is only a page with real content - not lists of links, opening page, and something like that.

B) Domain name - easy to remember and meaningful. Do not embed keywords - we need to create a brand, brand name, which will be easy to remember. Time domain of the keywords passed. Learn the lesson of, which recently became - in my opinion, this was one of the best examples of a brand on the Internet, which, incidentally, required discarding entire years spent on the creation of another brand.

C) Site Design - The simpler the better. Text must be greater than the html content. Pages should be visible in any browser. Stay away from heavy weights on the page - Flash, Java, JavaScript - they tend to do little to the site, but can seriously damage a variety of reasons, and the search engines dislike them, only one of them.

Build a website in a logical manner. Directory names search terms that we want to hit. Can we do anything else and just throw everything in the root directory - in spite of contrary advice; it works well on many search engines, and including on Google. Refrain from unnecessary options that can clog the site, for example, "Best viewed with", counters, buttons, etc. Make it simple and professional looking. Learn the lesson of the Google - simplicity - this is what surfers want.

Download speed - that's not all. our site should respond almost instantly. If we go to the site in the browser, nothing happens for 3-4 seconds - we have a problem. This time may vary depending on the location of the server, but the site is located in our country, should respond within 3-4 seconds. Longer than that - and we'll lose the audience, 10% for every second. Meanwhile, 10% could be the difference between success and failure.


D) Page Size - The smaller the better. Try not to exceed 15 KB. The smaller the better. Try not to exceed 12 KB. The smaller the better. Try not to exceed 10 KB. Idea clear? To keep within the range of 5 to 10 KB. Yes, it is difficult to do - but it is possible and it works. As for the search engines and visitors.

E) Content - Build one page of content and put on 200-250 words a day. If we do not know what should be on the page - use the service Overture. The resulting list - is the core of our page, the starting line.

F) Density, position, etc. - A simple, old fashioned enough. Use the keyword once in title, description, tag, H1, text links, bold, italics, at the beginning of the page. Try to maintain the frequency of use of a keyword in the range of 5 to 20%. Use nice phrases and check their spelling. Search engines are increasingly used for an automatic adjustment requests and there is no reason to neglect this.

G) External links - Put on every page of links to one or two sites that are well located to fit your needs. Use these requests to the text links - it would be very useful in the future.

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Tips to build an Search Engine Optimized Website

When a visitor comes to our site by clicking a search engine, whether it is something intrigue, in order to continue the navigation on our site they asked a question? Generally, as the search engines evaluate our site? They do not take just index.html, and comb all the links. So all our pages should be informative enough - otherwise the user can leave without finding what he needed, even if we have it. The idea is that we get visitors through all the existing pages on our site.

In other words, each page should be a mini-site. To achieve this is not too difficult, just look at our index.html. Create a navigation menu and paste it into every page. On each page have to be a reference to the main, to other key site pages, e-mail address. If our site consists of several hundred pages, limit to two dozen key.

Consider the page that will open in new windows, and are intended primarily for displaying large graphic files or small text fragments. On these pages, just put a link to the main. Some believe that putting in the code page Tag "no index" it is not indexed. In fact, some search engines have to ignore this tag, indexing all the pages from and to.

Reassess every page, word by word, making each a separate set of keywords, phrases. Identify them is not hard enough to see what the words are often repeated in the text of the page. If we still find it difficult to draw up key words and phrases, then go the opposite method: create a page for keywords.

Keywords should be placed in the text throughout the page, from top to bottom. Three or four words at the top, but not in any way not in a row, otherwise the search engines blacklisted, and a pair in the middle and bottom of the page. Place them among the other text so that they occur in each sentence.
Example header:
"Web site promotion. How to untwist the site using the banner exchange networks. Tips for website promotion from scratch."
Remember that the search engine robot works on algorithms, and should not be on the page of 25 words to repeat the keyword 7 times.

Here are places in the page where we can safely insert the keyword.
1. URL of the page.
2. Tag "Title"
3. Use keywords in image file name.
4. Alt-tag in the image. It not only helps visitors to understand the meaning of the figure, but also indexed by search engines.
5. When using the java-script when opening a new window.
6. Each time a keyword is in the h1 tag page valued more highly. Further, when the first line on the web-page.

As we see, is not so hard to create quality pages for search engines. And if we do not like the statistics of visits to the site, start to redevelop the site right now. Type a keyword in any search engine and analyze the html-codes the first 10 pages of search results. Look at all the details of which I mentioned here, and we'll be able to identify patterns.

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Search Engine Promotion Terminology

Boosts ranking
The method of indexing, in which the site gets not only in the index search engine, but in a thematic catalog.

The method of search engine promotion of the site with doorway and hallway pages.

This term is denoted by the way, which is used by search engine, raising our site in its index. For example, deep crawling, instant indexing, etc.

Description. Brief description to a specific page or the entire site.

Doorway page
Page created in order to come out on top in search engines to index. Built with an eye to the rules of search engines and can not move away from the site.

Frequency. It is used only in conjunction with others, such as keyword frequency - the maximum frequency of repetition of key words on the page.

Hallway page
The page contains links to all the doorway pages. Application hallway pages can significantly reduce the time indexing of our site.

A database search system, which stores all the information gathered by search engine robot.

Internet Catalog
Internet directory. Links to sites, divided by categories. Typically, each section follows a special person, so all sites got in the catalog, were of good content.

Key words. Words that are more closely reflect the themes page.

Link Club
Club sites. Commonwealth sites of certain subjects. All the club members put on each other cross-references.

HTML tags that are used for indexing, almost all search engines.

Index Queries. Indicator specific keyword. Calculated by the formula, the number of requests * (number of requests / number of pages found on request).

Unique user query to the search system. Terms can be as a separate word or short phrase.

Ranking Determination of site positions in the index. For example, if the two are absolutely identical in textual content, sites to create a different HTML content, they are one and the same query will appear in different places.

Relativity. The notional value of showing the effectiveness of indexing site.

Robot Exclusion Protocol. Protocol Exceptions robots used for passive work with search engines.

Program search engine, which runs on the links and index information from Web pages. The results of the robot can be found in any search engine.

Search Engine
Search engine. The set of hardware and software that allows to find links to files on users' queries.

Site mirror
Mirror site. The search engine may refuse indexing of the mirror copies of the site.

Standard test search robot, web pages, the use of prohibited techniques (hidden text, refresh, etc.).

Ability to entice the search engine keywords. For example, the query "site", as will be found the word "site", "site", "site", etc.

Stop words
Stop words. Some search engines do not appear in their indexes and not allowed to search for particular words. Most often it is widely used words like "and", "a", "the", "www". This is to save time when searching for a query.

Note to the index page in the search engine.

Web Ring
Ring sites. Commonwealth of sites with the same topic. All members of the club put on our site a little navigation on the ring. On it the user can move to the next, previous and main sites of the ring.