Monday, May 3, 2010

The things that are harmful for a SEO friendly website

Constantly watching sites have the same mistakes, significantly hindering the promotion of sites on the Internet. Below is a part list will be useful to owners of resources.

1. The absence of a robots.txt file

The file contains a recommendation for search engines to index our site. Often we want to prevent indexing of any pages or sections on the site for this and need the file. Often, however, the file is simply not on the server, which sometimes results in very unpleasant consequences. For example, the presence in the database search engine results pages on our site.

2. Mirror sites

Often, copies of copyright belong to several domains, in some cases, search engines consider such mirrors different. The situation could be rectified host directive in our robots.txt and precise registration of links to internal pages, but often forget about this webmaster. As a result, a situation may arise when a search engine knows the page a mirror, another search engine knows about the other mirror, and a third know a little bit pages of one site and little else.

3. Incorrect server responses

It happens that when a user tries to apply to non-existent pages, the server gives them instead of 404 error code 200. It thus makes it clear search engines that the page is OK, and it can be indexed. Similar pages clog the search engine index, preventing proper indexing of our site.

Similar problems may arise when incorrect work with redirects on sites. The user accesses a page, it "throws" to another (the principal, for example), but the server "forgets" to issue a 301 response. As a result, multiply many duplicate pages, littered search engine index.

4. No sitemap

Map not only allows users to easily navigate the site, but cool improves indexing our site by search engines, especially if the structure of the site messy or the site itself is large enough.

5. Breadcrumbs

Simplify the use of the site will allow users of the introduction of additional navigation on Web sites, so-called "bread crumbs". Entering a link from a search engine to any specific webpage, the user often has no opportunity to move to a higher level, to view other pages of this section. "Breadcrumbs" is just intended to simplify life for visitors. Additional navigation also simplifies the task of search engines properly indexing our site. Ideally, additional navigation structure should be:

Home / Section Name / Title subsection / title page

With such a structure, the user can easily determine exactly where he is on the site and how it moves to a higher level. Search engines will also be able to use the "bread crumbs" to build a proper "tree map".

6. No text in the menu

Often we can find beautiful sites with menu items made in the form of pictures. There is no dispute, it looks very impressive, but that's effectively it? Text menu items could significantly improve the internal referential ranking site, and thus increase the effectiveness of website promotion.

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